Like Nakalanda, Mugomba Primary School is a government-sponsored school in the Mukono District. The school works primarily with students of disadvantage (i.e. low-income, orphaned, etc.). Under the Universal Primary Education Program, Mugomba is able to receive government grants. However, the financial assistance is too little to address all of the school’s needs or resolve specific challenges this type of school has. Kamukamu started working with Mugomba Primary in 2016, when the school had just 180 pupils. By 2019, the student population at Mugomba had increased to 320 students. Currently, Mugomba Primary School is serving 415 students. With Kamukamu’s continued support, Mugomba’s Headmaster believes their student population is likely to reach 1,000 in the near future! This is all thanks to our donors who have helped us increase Mugomba’s educational capabilities, and the continued work and dedication from Mugomba staff.