Girls’ Dormitory
The girls’ domitory for Ngombere Primary School was completed in August 2013. Thank you to all our friends for your support. Sixth and seventh grade students, in preparation for their “primary leaving examination” stay at school for extra instruction. Previously both girls and boys slept on the floor in a classroom. The community requested that we help them construct a dormitory for the girls. We sent funds for materials and labor. The community provided water for the project and fed the workers. It was a major community event. The dormitory has increased the number of attending students. More students also lead to more needs. A latrine was built later, providing more privacy and hygiene for the girls and teachers. In September of 2014, our founder and chair, Stephen Ssemaala was present for the dedication of the dormitory. The headmaster and Parent Teacher Association expressed their gratitude and pointed out that the dormitory had increased the number of attending students.