Computer Project
In 2015, Kamukamu empowered Bufumira Primary School with solar computer classroom that introduced computer education to students and the community at large. Bufumira Primary School is located on the island of Bufumira on Lake Victoria.
Computer education brought excitement and relevant computer skills to the school and the community. Teachers who used to write test and classwork on blackboards now use computers and paper and students are adapting to the transition. Like students in developed countries who are now transitioning from paper to computers, students of Bufumira Primary schools are transitioning from blackboard assignments to paper assignments. This transition, according to teachers is helping to erase student fears of taking tests on paper, which will allow them to perform better on national exams.
It is not only the students who are excited about the computers, teachers too. One of the teachers stated that she didn’t know how to use a computer until she came to Bufumira Primary school. She can now do her classwork and report cards on the computer. The community too has taken advantage of computers and solar electricity. Some members of the community are learning computer skills and use solar electricity to charge their mobile phones.
In 2018, Kamukamu breathed a new life in computer learning for the students and teachers of Bufumira Primary School when it provided them with internet access, a laptop, and projector. The laptop and projector will be used in teaching students and community members computer skills.
The internet will open up learning resources that are downloadable on internet. With resources downloaded from the internet, the project gives the school a chance to participate in a new world of learning that gives them power as individuals, keeps them motivated to stay in school and above all gives them a chance at a future full of opportunities.